About Billy Wirth

Billy Wirth is an actor, producer, and director, best known for his role as Dwayne in the 1987 cult classic film “The Lost Boys.” Born on June 23, 1962, in New York City, Wirth embarked on his journey in the entertainment industry as a model before venturing into acting, which paved the way for a career spanning several decades.

Wirth’s early life was marked by a diverse cultural background, with a mother of German descent and a father who was of Native American heritage. This unique blend of cultures not only shaped his personal outlook but also influenced the roles he chose to pursue in his acting career. After completing his education at Brown University, where he focused on acting and filmmaking, Wirth’s striking looks and talent quickly caught the attention of casting directors and photographers, leading to his success as a model. This exposure served as a springboard into the acting world, where Wirth would leave an indelible mark.

“The Lost Boys,” a film that seamlessly blended horror and humor with a touch of teenage angst, became an instant hit and has since achieved cult status. In it, Wirth portrayed one of the vampire gang members, showcasing his ability to embody a character that was both menacing and charismatic. His performance in “The Lost Boys” not only earned him acclaim but also solidified his place as a notable figure in the entertainment industry. The film’s success led to more roles for Wirth, including appearances in movies like “War Party” (1988), “Body Snatchers” (1993), and “The Fence” (1994).

Beyond acting, Wirth has expressed his creativity through directing and producing. His directorial debut came with the film “MacArthur Park” (2001), a project which he also produced. The movie, which explores the lives of a group of homeless people trying to survive in Los Angeles’ MacArthur Park, was well-received in the film festival circuit, proving Wirth’s versatility and commitment to storytelling that sheds light on the human condition.

In addition to his work in film, Wirth’s television credits include roles in popular series such as “Sex and the City,” “CSI: Crime Scene Investigation,” and “Law & Order: Criminal Intent.” These appearances have showcased his ability to adapt to a variety of genres, from comedy to procedural dramas, further demonstrating his range as an actor.

Aside from his professional endeavors, Wirth has made it a priority to use his platform for advocacy, particularly in relation to Native American rights and environmental causes. His heritage plays a crucial role in his activism, allowing him to connect with and support Indigenous communities in meaningful ways.

Today, Billy Wirth continues to captivate audiences with his performances and to inspire with his directorial projects and activism. His journey from a model to a multi-faceted artist in the entertainment industry is a testament to his talent, perseverance, and commitment to making a difference both on-screen and off.